Many game broadcasters often experience Twitch log-in problems on the gaming platform. Despite Twitch being a market leader in video game streaming, they face several issues when streaming.
If you are using the platform and it keeps logging you out, it could be due to several reasons and we have compiled a list of fixes to help you.

It can be inconvenient when Twitch keeps logging you out. The problem can be caused by a plugin or a network error, among others.
In most cases, a simple restart is enough to get your device working normally. However, in some instances, you will need more than just a restart.
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How to fix Twitch log in issues
Follow these steps to fix login problems on Twitch:
Step 1: Check your internet connection
To first determine why Twitch is constantly logging you out, check your internet connection. Since Twitch is an internet-intensive service, ensure your internet speed is good.
When you have slow internet, you will most like express packet loss. This means data will not be transmitted as it should hence the loss of user credentials.
Secure your connection by using VPNs which will ease your transmission.
Step 2: Avoid clearing cache while streaming
This error also occurs when users knowingly or otherwise clear their cache while online on Twitch.
Websites that require log-in credentials will store cookies on your computer to automate the signing-in process.
If you clear this information you run the risk of being disconnected. This is because the site will require you to confirm that you are indeed the account owner. This will mean a fresh sign in.
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Step 3: Keep your IP address in check
Your IP address also helps identify your computer while streaming.
Changes to the IP address mid-stream may result in loss of connection to your account. Keep the same address from the start to avoid being logged out.
Step 3: Visit your account regularly
Twitch will basically keep user-session information for about two weeks. After this period, users may be required to provide their credentials before logging.
Twitch won’t stay logged in for long periods of time. This means you have to at least sign in to your Twitch account once a week to stay logged in.
Step 4: Change your password
Another possible cause of constant logouts could be hacking attempts. When another user tries to access your account while signed in, Twitch will log out the account and you have to sign in again.
If you find yourself getting logged out of your account multiple times, you could be a victim of a malicious attack on Twitch.
In such cases, the best way is to immediately clear your cookies and change your password. Once you change the password you should be able to access Twitch without any problems.
These steps should help solve your signing-in issues. If you have taken the above steps but still are facing the same problem, you should consider contacting Twitch support.