Latoya Ammons real story: What happened to her son?

The Deliverance on Netflix is inspired by the true story of Latoya Ammons and her family. Director Lee Daniels changed parts of the real occurrences for the film, which tells the story of the Jackson family.

In 2011-2012, Latoya claimed that her family experienced weird events since moving into their new home in Gary, Indiana. She was living with her mother and three children, aged 12, 9 and 7 when the bizarre incidents occurred.

Ammons’ Haunted House

Latoya sought help from authorities, including the police, social services, and even a Catholic priest, when the incidents became bizarre. She claimed that her children were exhibiting unusual behaviour.

At first, authorities feared that she was hiding child abuse by inventing stories to get the authorities out of her hair. The children were temporarily removed from her care while she underwent evaluation and took parenting classes.

The police, who were initially sceptical, reportedly became concerned after experiencing strange events at the home, such as malfunctioning equipment and inexplicable cold spots.

The Ammons house in Gary Indiana (Image: IndyPost)
The Ammons house in Gary Indiana (Image: IndyPost)

Possessed children

According to Latoya, her 9-year-old son exhibited very unusual behaviour that made her believe he was possessed. She reports that she also found her 12-year-old daughter levitating. The children would speak in deep, demonic voices.

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Her nine-year-old would also claim that invisible hands were choking her. Latoya and her mother, Rosa Campbell, also caught him speaking to entities they could not see.

Hospital Incident 

While in hospital, Latoya’s 9-year-old son was said to have walked backwards up a wall in a hospital room, flipped over, and landed on his feet.

Hospital staff witnessed this event, and a Department of Child Services (DCS) caseworker and a nurse, who stated that they saw it happen, documented it in a report.


The Ammons family experienced even more bizarre incidents before they reached out to churches. Most of them turned them out, but one suggested that they clean the house with ammonia and smear crosses across the house.

Latoya Ammons sharing her ordeal (YouTube:IndyStar)

Another suggested that they move out since the house was possessed by over 200 demons, which made sense to Latoya. The solution made sense, except that the family was down on funds. 

Rev. Michael Maginot, the priest at St. Stephen Martyr Parish in Merrillville, Indiana, performed three exorcisms for the family at his church and even one when the Ammon family moved away from the Gary house.

Life Updates of the Ammons Family

Eventually, the family moved out of the house, and no supernatural occurrences were reported in their new home.

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Latoya gained custody of her children after they all underwent therapy and were deemed ready to reunite.

Director Lee Daniels spoke with her, and she said her sons are doing okay. Latoya maintains that they are now at peace.

The house in Gary became the subject of one of Bagans’ documentaries, Demon House. It was then torn down in 2016.

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