Is the MTV Catfish TV show real? Let’s uncover the truth

Many people have questioned the authenticity of MTV’s Catfish for various reasons. 

Scripted or not, the show has had memorable characters who were obviously the Catfish’s most susceptible individuals.

Whether you are a passive or avid Catfish fan, below is everything you need to know about the Catfish.

The History of MTV Catfish

To understand whether Catfish is real or scripted, we must look deep into its history. 

MTV Catfish is a documentary series that follows the online dating escapades of people who have not met each other. The series is based on the 2010 documentary Catfish

Nev Schulman and Max Joseph are the program’s pioneers. Nev inspires the show with his real online dating experience.

In one of the episodes, Nev sparked an online relationship, and it turned out that the insignificant other was not telling the truth. 

Max, on the other hand, takes the role of traveling and meeting the insignificant other in person. 

The episodes are surrounded by thrilling escapades of anxiety and wanting to understand the truth about online dating partners. Schulman starts each series by opening an email from someone who wants to meet an online lover physically. highlights that it is not the catfishee (the person being tricked) who starts the contact. Rather, the catfisher should initiate the contact.

According to interviews from past participants, there are times when the catfishees were the ones who initiated the contact. 

Some participants mentioned that they were told to meet before the episode. Others claimed they were not engaged in online dating, and their talk was not love-related. 

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However, Hollywood Reports wrote that despite MTV contacting them several times, Schulman and Max did not know the participants.

Participants alleged that their Facebook timelines were fudged. Hollywood stated that Schulman does extensive research on the participants’ social profile and has no prior contact.

Nev Schulman.
Nev Schulman. Image: X/naijanews_247

The contention between the participants in behind-the-scenes interviews has raised doubts about the show’s truth.

What does MTV Catfish show is scripted mean?

Catfish is scripted, means the scenes behind the show are planned. The producers know the participants before the show and plan the events.

Here are key highlighters of Catfish: The TV show, that suggest it is scripted:

1. The “Catfish” is constantly prepared when the crew arrives

Nev claims that the Catfish visits are spontaneous with no prior planning. From the look, the Catfish is always wearing a microphone and ready for the shoots. The Catfish’s house is always organized and seems well-groomed for the session. 

The catfish is seen with well-done makeup and is prepared for the show. People expect to see shiny, surprised faces on the show. However, they all seem to be fully braced for the show.

2. Producers have prior knowledge of the end before Max and Nev

Producers calculate the expected timeline of each show.
Producers calculate the expected timeline of each show. Image: X/CatfishMTV

People were drawn to the Catfish show because of its authenticity. Nev and Max were filming their life story and converted it into a documentary. Practically, TV shows have timelines and budgets, and producers have yet to learn of the ending.

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Producers will want to know the ending and direct Max and Nev if they go astray. They claim that the producers calculate the expected timeline of each show, but that is not true. The producers always know the ending and how long the episode will last. 

3. The Catfish contacts the show first

Most of the time, the Catfish contact the show first. The episode begins with Nev reading an email from someone who claims to have been in an online relationship long enough and is worried that the person they claim to be in a relationship with is not who they are.

The Catfisher, not the catfish, reaches out to the program.

They argue that the Catfishee is the one who contacts the show. In reality, MTV reaches out to the Catfishee and tells them about the show. The catfishee`s are also invited to sign an agreement and prepare for the episode.

4. Catfishers get psychology checks before meeting Nev

The truth is that every show is conducted with safety measures in mind. No one wants Nev to be shot or something terrible to happen to him.

Psychology checks are done on the Catfish before meeting Nev to ensure safety. 

How real is the MTV Catfish show?

Despite the uproar about the authenticity of the MTV Catfish show, there are highlights of the show that its features are real. The fact that the show brings real people to tell their stories means part of it is accurate. 

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Here are key features of MTV Catfish’s authenticity:

1. Real people, real stories

The fact that the people brought on the show are actual indicates that the series is not fake. Buzzfeed highlighted that the reality program contacts individuals before the episode to keep up with the safety guidelines.

They contact them to ensure that they are real people.

An interview with a former employee disclosed that they contacted participants for due diligence. However, Nev and Max did not know the contact details.

Once it is confirmed that they are accurate and safe, Nev proceeds to conduct research. 

2. They’re unable to meet the catfisher in some episodes

There are some Catfish episodes where Nev and Max meet the Catfisher. In other instances, the Catfisher refuses to meet them. It is a clear indication of the dynamics of online relationships. 

The show airs the challenges of online dating. In most cases, the series shifts the focus to the implications of catfishing with no resolutions. This displays the reality aspect of the program and the challenges faced in online dating.

3. The fan’s emotional investment outweighs the fake or real debate -sometimes  

The MTV Catfish has real fans who have invested their time and emotions. The attachment results from the incredible characters that the program brings on board. It also has thrilling experiences of waiting to see the result.

Other fun aspects of the Catfish include the anxiety of knowing who is telling the truth or not. Fans also connect with their real-life experiences. Whether real or fake, it gives the best performance.  

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