PlayStation Vue fast forward not working? Here’s a fix

It is really frustrating when fast-forwarding doesn’t seem to work on your PlayStation Vue. Not only will you have to sit through boring parts of a program, but you wouldn’t even risk rewinding.

In most instances, this error occurs when you select the On-Demand version of the program instead of DVR. However, this isn’t the only issue.

We have looked at several options that cause the PlayStation Vue fast forward option to be disabled and we have provided a list of solutions that can help you fix the problem.

Solutions for PlayStation Vue fast forward issues

  1. Make sure to select DVR
  2. Press FF on your remote
  3. Clear cache
  4. Watch the On-Demand copy
  5. Check DVR restrictions

Method#1: Select the DVR option

PlayStation Vue will only allow you to fast-forward select programs due to contractual agreements with providers. Most of the On-Demand programs must show ads and that is why fast forward is disabled by default.

If you have recorded your show and the same is playing On-Demand, then PS Vue might direct you to the On-Demand version. You’ll realize that here, fast-forwarding is disabled.

To avoid this redirect, make sure to select DVR on the prompt that appears before you start streaming your recordings.

SEE ALSO:  How to activate PlayStation Vue on Roku, Apple TV, Firestick, PS4 Account

Method#2: Press fast forward on your remote

In some instances, you can still forward your shows even if there is a cross on the fast forward option on your PlayStation Vue. Open your preferred recording and press the forward button on your remote control.

If this option doesn’t work for you, consider trying to fast forward on a different device. For example, you can try streaming on your PC if fast forward doesn’t work on your Roku device.

Method#3: Clear cache

Your PS Vue could be acting up because of an issue with its cache. Restarting your device can clear the cache on PlayStation Vue.

However, you can also force stop the app to clear cache and then reboot.

Also Read: Fix your home location on PlayStation Vue

Method#4: Watch the On-Demand copy

This isn’t the best option, but it is the only option if you have a bad recording. For example, if you start recording a show towards the end, then you may only end up with a recording of its last few minutes.

Whenever you start playing the show, it will either show the recorded bit or start playing the On-Demand version if it is available. In this case, you can either watch the On-Demand version or record a fresh copy.

SEE ALSO:  How to watch recorded shows on PlayStation Vue

Method#5: Check DVR restrictions

You could be trying to forward a program that doesn’t allow fast-forwarding even on DVR. Some of the channels that won’t allow fast-forwarding on PlayStation Vue include:

You can still catch your programs from these channels with all DVR functionalities on another streaming service that doesn’t have restrictions.

Can you fast-forward commercials on PlayStation Vue?

You cannot fast-forward through commercials when watching on-demand shows on PlayStation Vue.

However, the fast-forwarding option is available when watching shows recorded with the DVR. Note that you cannot fast-forward recordings of some Fox channels and sports networks on PS Vue.

PlayStation Vue is definitely one of the best streaming services in the market.

However, you can encounter issues such as a disabled fast-forward option due to contractual agreements which are out of your control. If the issue occurs due to other factors, the solutions we have provided above will definitely be of help.

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