How to delete videos from Amazon Library

Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based service that allows you to purchase or rent movies and TV shows then stream on a wide range of devices.

Aside from streaming, the service offers a download option, where you can download your favorite videos and movies, save them in the Amazon Library, and watch offline at a later time.

This is a great option when traveling and in areas with a poor internet connection.

However, the download option presents a major problem when it comes to your device’s storage. Once you have finished watching the videos, you are left with large files, which take up a large portion of your otherwise limited device’s storage space.

This can present a challenge when it comes to downloading more videos or installing other applications on your device.

Fortunately, you can delete videos from the Amazon library, to leave sufficient space for other uses.

How to remove videos from Amazon Library

Follow these steps to delete watched videos or movies from Amazon Prime:

  • Sign in into your Amazon account on your computer browser
  • Go to the “Accounts & List” section and hover your mouse. A drop-down list will appear.
  • Scroll down on the “Your Account” menu till you find “Your Video Library”
  • Click on “Your Video Library” to access your Amazon video library
  • Go to the location of the video you want to delete (TV Shows or Movies) and click on the video icon. Select the delete option to remove the video from the library. Once you are done, a confirmation message will appear.
  • Go back to the library and repeat step 5 to delete other Amazon Prime videos
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Amazon prime video library


How to remove videos on iPad

You can also delete downloaded movies on Amazon from your mobile devices (smartphones, iPad, and tablets). Follow these steps:

  • Open the Amazon Prime Video app
  • Go to the “Downloads” tab that is located at the bottom of your device’s screen. A list of all the videos you have downloaded and saved in your Amazon library will appear.
  • Click on the “Edit” button located at the top corner of the screen. Select the videos you want to delete by tapping on the select icon (circle) found on the left side of the video file.
  • Tap on the “Delete” button at the bottom of the screen to remove the unwanted videos from your Amazon Prime library.

Large Amazon prime videos and movies can take up too much of your storage space, denying you the opportunity to download new ones or install other applications on your device.

However, with the above solutions, you can easily delete the videos from your Amazon video library, freeing up the storage space.

However, before hitting the “delete” button, be sure that you are finished watching them as restoring them can be a bit of a hassle.

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