How to cancel Great American Pure Flix through Amazon Prime?

You can cancel Great American Pure Flix through your Amazon Prime account if you had subscribed to the channel via the platform. You can use three cancellation methods: the Amazon Prime website, the Android app, or the iOS app.

Great American Pure Flix is a faith- and family-friendly package that you can add as a channel to your Prime Video account, extending your entertainment options. However, if you are no longer interested in the content offered, you can easily cancel it.

How to cancel American Pure Flix on Amazon Prime via the website

You can easily cancel your Great American Pure Flix subscription via the Amazon Prime website on your PC browser or the browser of any internet-supported device. To do this:

  • Go to the Amazon Prime Video account management page on your browser. Note: you need to be signed into your Amazon account to access this page.
  • Go to the “Channels” tab under the Accounts & Settings menu options.
  • Select Great American Pure Flix from your list of channels.
  • Select the “Cancel Channel” button and confirm to cancel the subscription.

How to cancel American Pure Flix on Amazon Prime on Android phone

 You can cancel the Great American Pure Flix subscription through the Amazon Prime Video.
You can cancel the Great American Pure Flix subscription through Amazon Prime Video. Photo: Amazon

If you are using an Android device, you can cancel the Great American Pure Flix subscription via the Prime Video app. To do this:

  • Launch the Prime Video app on your device (If you don’t have it, you can download and install it from the Google Play Store.)
  • Sign into your account using your Amazon login details (the same ones linked to your Prime Video subscription.)
  • On your app’s home screen, click on the “My Stuff” icon (located at the bottom right corner of the screen).
  • On the new app page, click on the Settings “gear” icon (located at the top right corner).
  • Under the settings menu, go to My Account > Manage account
  • Go to “Membership and Subscriptions” and select Great American Pure Flix from the list of channels you are subscribed to.
  • Select the “Cancel Channel” and confirm to stop the subscription.
SEE ALSO:  How to cancel CBS All Access through Amazon Prime

How to cancel American Pure Flix on Amazon Prime on iOS devices

You can also cancel your Great American Pure Flix subscription via the Amazon app on your iOS device. To do this:

  • Launch the Prime Video app on your iOS device (if you don’t have one, you can download and install it from the Apple App Store).
  • Sign into your account using your Amazon login details.
  • On the app’s home page, click on the profile icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Go to “Your Account” and select “Manage your Prime Video Channels.”
  • Select Great American Pure Flix from your list of channels and tap on the “Cancel Channel” button to stop the subscription.

Note: Amazon will stop the automatic renewal of your subscription after you’ve cancelled. However, you’ll still have access to the channel’s content until the end of your subscription period.

Should you change your mind, you can reverse the cancellation before the end of the current subscription period. Otherwise, you must subscribe to the channel afresh if the period ends.

Since the cancellation only stops automatic renewal, Amazon will not offer you any refunds for your subscription.

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